Monday, 29 August 2011

Collaborative Music via internet Pt 4: Exporting WAV/AIF

A few collected notes from questions that have come up from various artists

If you are recording tracks with a microphone, i.e. mono, then you should also choose a mono track to record on. You should do this before you start recording as often software programs default to give you a stereo track.
  • Garage Band: Track/Show Track Info (Command I), Input source should be Mono (name of interface input will be in parentheses depending on which equipment you have connected.
  • Other software. some software has a stereo symbol (2 overlapping circles) or a mono symbol (single circle). Look at the track info to change the track to mono
Your recording should be exported in highest quality available. 320kbps MP3/M4a is good but really you should export uncompressed as AIF or WAV
In Garageband you can export an AIF file as follows
* Share
* Export to Disk
The default is compressed. Untick the checkbox after "Compress" then click export and choose your file location to save. 

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